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Rice is the staple food, often served with fish and shrimp paste, chili peppers,

boiled beans, and sauerkraut leaf soup to accompany meals.

Myanmar's hot and humid environment causes food to spoil,

so food is preserved by sealing it in oil.

Myanmarese cuisine emphasizes oil, spice, aroma, freshness, sourness, and salt.

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Myanmar cuisiness

The local people are accustomed to using noodles for breakfast. 

Many noodle dishes have been developed,

such as fish soup noodles and coconut noodles.

Since Myanmar was colonized by the British,

the tea-drinking culture of the United Kingdom was also passed on. 

It is not uncommon for Myanmarese to drink tea and talk about business or family matters.

This tradition can also be seen here.

Fish soup noodles.

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Myanmar milk tea.


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